Monday, November 22, 2010

Final Portfolio


Wednesday, 12/1

The final portfolio will consist of jpeg files turned in. It should represent your strongest work created over the course. It will be graded as a separate project. It would be a good idea to strategize what you will be submitting ahead of time with the instructor. Revisions to any project images you are submitting are welcome. If you are submitting a revision, please indicate with the filename. Use the following criteria:

  • Jpegs, highest quality
  • 1200 pixels in longest direction
  • sRGB

Projects represented in portfolio:
  • Project 1, digital photos (3 images)
  • Project 2, Image Combination (1 image)
  • Project 3, Culture Jam (1-3 images)
  • Project 4, Video Project (no need to turn this in again, unless you have made changes to original)
  • Project 5, Movie Poster (1 image)
  • Project 6, Open project (as many images that comprise your final piece or pieces)
  • Any additional work you have made for the class outside of specific assignments that you wish to include as part of your portfolio
For project 6, you will also turn in work files (psd, pdf) as part of that particular assignment.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Proposals: Open Project

Review the reading supplement to the course: Digital Art (Christiane Paul). Find an artist in the book (any chapter) who is doing something that you find inspiring. Describe their work/ideas/approaches/techniques in your proposal. Use 1-2 of these aspect as a starting point for a project of your own. The idea is to use the positive influence of an artist you admire to launch you into new territory. If you are excited, you can't help but be original. Propose the scope of your project as you presently see it. Describe themes, concepts, methods, techniques you anticipate exploring.

Length: 1 page, double space.
Proposals due: Wed 11/10, hard copy (typed). Please no email—(inbox overloads!)

The project is due the last class of the course, Wednesday 12/1.