Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Movie Poster Project

For this project, create a movie poster for your video project. The finished poster should have a strong design that is in keeping with a professionally designed movie poster. Study existing movie posters and look to them as design templates to help you with image ideas, layout and typography decisions. The finished piece should look convincing as a movie poster.

A great catalog of movie posters (the good, bad and ugly) can be found here:

Other useful resources:

Fonts for billing blocks (the credits appearing in movie posters)
  1. Create your background graphics in Adobe Photoshop and/or Illustrator
  2. Layout and Typography should be set in InDesign
  3. You will turn in contributing photoshop file, and final PDF output file
  4. Design the poster for a size of 11"x14" at 300dpi.
  5. Be mindful of bleeds and build these into your design
  6. Make sure all graphics are of adequate resolution to support final print size
Final Posters will be evaluated on:
  1. Correct file setup (file types, size, resolution, color space, etc.)
  2. Correct use of applications (Photoshop, Illustrator, inDesign)
  3. Fresh, creative, exciting graphic ideas
  4. Strength of design (layout, typography) that is convincing as a movie poster
Production/Due Dates:
  • Production Critique 11/15
  • Final Poster Due 11/22

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